
S. Saha, Shalaev, M., O'Reilly, J., Goetting, I., Toh, G., Kalakuntla, A., Yu, Y., and Monroe, C., High-fidelity remote entanglement of trapped atoms mediated by time-bin photons. 2024.
G. M. Sommers, Huse, D. A., and Gullans, M. J., Dynamically generated concatenated codes and their phase diagrams, p. 9/20/2024, 2024.
G. Alagic, Bai, C., Katz, J., Majenz, C., and Struck, P., Post-Quantum Security of Tweakable Even-Mansour, and Applications, 2024.
A. Lavasani, Gullans, M., Albert, V. V., and Barkeshli, M., On stability of k-local quantum phases of matter, 2024.
J. Leng, Li, J., Peng, Y., and Wu, X., Expanding Hardware-Efficiently Manipulable Hilbert Space via Hamiltonian Embedding, 2024.
L. Pedro García-Pintos, Bharti, K., Bringewatt, J., Dehghani, H., Ehrenberg, A., Halpern, N. Yunger, and Gorshkov, A. V., Estimation of Hamiltonian parameters from thermal states, 2024.
J. Katz and Sela, B., A Quantum "Lifting Theorem" for Constructions of Pseudorandom Generators from Random Oracles, 2024.
A. Barg, Coble, N. J., Hangleiter, D., and Kang, C., Geometric structure and transversal logic of quantum Reed-Muller codes, 2024.
A. Bouland, Giurgica-Tiron, T., and Wright, J., The state hidden subgroup problem and an efficient algorithm for locating unentanglement, 2024.
J. Carolan, Poremba, A., and Zhandry, M., (Quantum) Indifferentiability and Pre-Computation, 2024.
J. Carolan, Gilani, A. Shiraz, and Vempati, M., Quantum advantage and lower bounds in parallel query complexity, 2024.
A. Aydin and Barg, A., Class of codes correcting absorptions and emissions, 2024.
E. Kubischta and Teixeira, I., Permutation-Invariant Quantum Codes with Transversal Generalized Phase Gates, 2024.
J. Carolan and Schaeffer, L., Succinct Fermion Data Structures, 2024.
Y. - X. Wang, Bringewatt, J., Seif, A., Brady, A. J., Oh, C., and Gorshkov, A. V., Exponential entanglement advantage in sensing correlated noise, 2024.
C. Miller, Hidden-State Proofs of Quantumness, 2024.
J. Rajakumar, Golden, J., Bärtschi, A., and Eidenbenz, S., Trainability Barriers in Low-Depth QAOA Landscapes, in Proceedings of the 21st ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers, 2024.
L. Li, Zhu, M., Cleaveland, R., Nicolellis, A., Lee, Y., Chang, L., and Wu, X., Qafny: A Quantum-Program Verifier, 2024.
D. Kurdak, Banner, P. R., Li, Y., Muleady, S. R., Gorshkov, A. V., Rolston, S. L., and Porto, J. V., Enhancement of Rydberg Blockade via Microwave Dressing, 2024.
A. Schuckert, Crane, E., Gorshkov, A. V., Hafezi, M., and Gullans, M. J., Fermion-qubit fault-tolerant quantum computing, 2024.
Y. Xu, Wang, Y., Vuillot, C., and Albert, V. V., Letting the tiger out of its cage: bosonic coding without concatenation, 2024.
J. Antonio Ma Guzmán, Erker, P., Gasparinetti, S., Huber, M., and Halpern, N. Yunger, Key issues review: useful autonomous quantum machines, Reports on Progress in Physics, vol. 87, p. 122001, 2024.