Yan-Qi Wang

Yan-Qi-Wang's picture
JQI Postdoctoral Fellow
2115 Atlantic Building

Yan-Qi Wang is a JQI postdoctoral fellow exploring the interface of condensed matter physics, atomic and molecular physics, as well as quantum information science. He has been working on topological phases of matter and quantum dynamics, from realistic experiments to abstract mathematics via various analytical and numerical approaches. Yan-Qi is currently interested in the interdisciplinary area of quantum many-body physics and quantum information, such as the interplay of topological order, quantum measurement, quantum simulations, quantum geometry, quantum entanglement, as well as quantum error correction and fault-tolerant quantum computation. He’s also interested in hydrodynamics and its application to quantum information. Yan-Qi received his PhD in physics with Professor Joel E. Moore from the University of California, Berkeley in 2023.