Dianne O'Leary

oleary's picture
Distinguished University Professor Emerita
3271 A.V. Williams Building
(301) 405-2678

Dianne O'Leary is a Distinguished University Professor Emerita in the Department of Computer Science and a founding co-director of QuICS.

She also holds appointments in the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS) and the Applied Mathematics and Statistics and Scientific Computing Program.

Her research in quantum computing concerns the decomposition of unitary matrices into quantum “gates,” as well as quantifying the effects of perturbations on adiabatic quantum systems.

O’Leary is a member of the Association for Women in Mathematics and a Fellow of Society for Industrial Applied Mathematics and the Association for Computing Machinery. She was awarded a doctor of mathematics degree, honoris causa, from the University of Waterloo in 2005 and was chosen to be the 2008 AWM–SIAM Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer.







S. S. Bullock and O'Leary, D. P., Locality Bounds on Hamiltonians for Stabilizer Codes, Quantum Information and Computation, vol. 9, 2009.




D. P. O'Leary and Bullock, S. S., QR Factorizations Using a Restricted Set of Rotations, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, vol. 21, pp. 20-27, 2005.
S. S. Bullock, Brennen, G. K., and O'Leary, D. P., Time Reversal and n-qubit Canonical Decompositions, Journal of Mathematical Physics, vol. 46, no. 6, p. 062104, 2005.