
J. P. Zwolak and Taylor, J. M., Colloquium: Advances in automation of quantum dot devices control, Reviews of Modern Physics, vol. 95, 2023.
I. Sweet, Darais, D., Heath, D., Harris, W., Estes, R., and Hicks, M., Symphony: Expressive Secure Multiparty Computation with Coordination, The Art, Science, and Engineering of Programming, vol. 7, no. 3, 2023.
G. M. Sommers, Gullans, M., and Huse, D. A., Self-dual quasiperiodic percolation, Phys. Rev. E, vol. 107, p. 024137, 2023.
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P. Niroula, Gopalakrishnan, S., and Gullans, M., Error Mitigation Thresholds in Noisy Quantum Circuits, 2023.
D. S. Barker, Carney, D., LeBrun, T. W., Moore, D. C., and Taylor, J. M., Collision-resolved pressure sensing, 2023.
J. Kunjummen, Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Decoherence from Long-Range Forces in Atom Interferometry, Phys. Rev. A , vol. 107, no. 033319, 2023.
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D. An, Liu, J. - P., Wang, D., and Zhao, Q., A theory of quantum differential equation solvers: limitations and fast-forwarding, 2023.
P. Alsing, Battle, P., Bienfang, J. C., Borders, T., Brower-Thomas, T., Carr, L. D., Chong, F., Dadras, S., DeMarco, B., Deutsch, I., Figueroa, E., Freedman, D., Everitt, H., Gauthier, D., Johnston-Halperin, E., Kim, J., Kira, M., Kumar, P., Kwiat, P., Lekki, J., Loiacono, A., Lončar, M., Lowell, J. R., Lukin, M., Merzbacher, C., Miller, A., Monroe, C., Pollanen, J., Pappas, D., Raymer, M., Reano, R., Rodenburg, B., Savage, M., Searles, T., and Ye, J., Accelerating Progress Towards Practical Quantum Advantage: The Quantum Technology Demonstration Project Roadmap, 2023.
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J. Bringewatt, Jarret, M., and Mooney, T. C., On the stability of solutions to Schrödinger's equation short of the adiabatic limit, 2023.
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H. Fu, Wang, D., and Zhao, Q., Parallel self-testing of EPR pairs under computational assumptions, 2023.
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S. Chakrabarti, Childs, A. M., Hung, S. - H., Li, T., Wang, C., and Wu, X., Quantum algorithm for estimating volumes of convex bodies, ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, vol. 4, 2023.
F. Kranzl, Lasek, A., Joshi, M. K., Kalev, A., Blatt, R., Roos, C. F., and Halpern, N. Yunger, Experimental Observation of Thermalization with Noncommuting Charges, PRX Quantum, vol. 4, 2023.
J. Kunjummen, Tran, M. C., Carney, D., and Taylor, J. M., Shadow process tomography of quantum channels, Phys. Rev. A, vol. 107, no. 042403, 2023.
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