Title | Quantum algorithms for the polynomial eigenvalue problems |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Shao, C, Liu, J-P |
Date Published | 10/28/2020 |
Abstract | Polynomial eigenvalue problems (PEPs) arise in a variety of science and engineering applications, and many breakthroughs in the development of classical algorithms to solve PEPs have been made in the past decades. Here we attempt to solve PEPs in a quantum computer. Firstly, for generalized eigenvalue problems (GEPs) $A\x = \lambda B\x$ with A,B symmetric, and B positive definite, we give a quantum algorithm based on block-encoding and quantum phase estimation. In a more general case when B is invertible, B−1A is diagonalizable and all the eigenvalues are real, we propose a quantum algorithm based on the Fourier spectral method to solve ordinary differential equations (ODEs). The inputs of our algorithms can be any desired states, and the outputs are superpositions of the eigenpairs. The complexities are polylog in the matrix size and linear in the precision. The dependence on precision is optimal. Secondly, we show that when B is singular, any quantum algorithm uses at least Ω(n−−√) queries to compute the eigenvalues, where n is the matrix size. Thirdly, based on the linearization method and the connection between PEPs and higher-order ODEs, we provide two quantum algorithms to solve PEPs by extending the quantum algorithm for GEPs. We also give detailed complexity analysis of the algorithm for two special types of quadratic eigenvalue problems that are important in practice. Finally, under an extra assumption, we propose a quantum algorithm to solve PEPs when the eigenvalues are complex. |
URL | https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.15027 |